摘要:企业社会责任(corporate social responsibility)运动的兴起,是随着经济全球化的进程而来的。在全球化的...企业社会责任(corporate social responsibility)运动的兴起,是随着经济全球化的进程而来的。在全球化的浪潮中随着资本在全球范围内扩张的同时也形成了对劳动的压制和剥夺。这种体现着由资本方(雇主)单方支配工资和劳动条件的“垄断因素”的劳资关系,反映了劳动市场由买方(雇主)主导的特征。“强资本弱劳工”的基本态势使劳资关系力量对比处于一种极端不平衡的状态中。相应地,劳工权益保障也成为一个世界性的社会问题。显示全部
摘要:Based on thousands of questionnaire on immigrant female workers in Pearl River Delta, the paper pro...Based on thousands of questionnaire on immigrant female workers in Pearl River Delta, the paper probes into guarantee of fights for immigrant female workers. The paper argues that it is a triple game among enterprise, labor and local government. From the perspective of enterprise, the guarantee of rights for immigrant female workers depends on the character and size of enterprises ; from the perspective of labor, it relates to the educational background and degree of organized behavior. Because of the immigrant trait, immigrant female workers do not have rights to elect or be elected, which forms a natural political obstacle for them to find a mouthpiece for their interest in the government. They lack the support of local social relations. Local governments do not pay special attention to protection of their rights. Therefore, only after the issue was raised out as a question will it gain attention of all circles in the society and pushed forward movements of protecting their rights.显示全部