机构地区: 广东工程职业技术学院
出 处: 《清远职业技术学院学报》 2010年第4期116-120,共5页
摘 要: "新东方"的"企业文化"思想体系是"新东方"教育成功的最大保证,他们卓越的办学理念和不懈的追求使他们获得令人赞叹的教学效果而名扬海内外,他们的朝气蓬勃、奋发向上的精神永远激励着他们的学员不断进取勇攀高峰,因此,"新东方"的"企业文化"是值得我们高职英语教育学习和借鉴的。本文主要阐述了"新东方"的"企业文化"精神和教学方法及其对我们高职英语教育的启迪。 The ideology of "New Oriental" and "corporate culture" is the greatest guarantee of educational success on "New Oriental". Their excellent and tireless pursuit of educational philosophy enables them to acquire amazing effects and become famous overseas. Their vibrant, enthusiastic spirit always inspires their students to scale new heights progressively. Therefore, the "New Oriental" and "corporate culture" is worthy of our English language education in higher vocational studying and learning from. This paper describes the "New Oriental" and "corporate culture" spirit and teaching methods as well as their English education for our vocational enlightenment
领 域: [文化科学—职业技术教育学] [文化科学—教育学]