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Study of Chinese English Learners' Relative Clause Attachment in Processing of Ambiguous Sentences

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心

出  处: 《外语与外语教学》 2013年第6期29-32,48,共5页

摘  要: 本文报告的两个实验分别考察了中国学生离线和在线挂靠NP1+of+NP2+RC歧义句中关系从句RC的策略。实验1发现连接NP1和NP2介词变化(of或者with)影响学习者RC的离线挂靠。高、低水平的学习者均将of结构中的RC挂靠在NP1上,将with结构中的RC挂靠在NP2上。实验2发现连接NP1和NP2介词的语义变化不影响RC的在线挂靠。高、低水平学习者都将of和with结构中的RC挂靠在NP2上。实验结果说明中国英语学习者的即时歧义消解过程是一个以结构为主的过程,其他信息,如语义、语用信息影响较少。 This article reports the results of two experiments con- ducted to investigate Chinese English learners' offfine and online attachment preferences of relative clauses in processing NP1 + of + NP2 + RC ambiguous sentences. Experiment 1 found that the learners' offline attachment preferences were influenced by the type of preposition joining the two potential antecedent noun phrases (NPS) (of or with). Both the high and low proficiency learners showed a preference for NP1 attachment for of structure and NP2 attachment for with structure. Experiment 2 found that both the high and low proficiency learners showed preferences for NF2 attachment while online processing the ambiguous sen- tences irrespective of the type of preposition involved. The resuits illustrated that Chinese English learners' parsing decisions were determined mainly by structural factors. Other factors,such as semantic and pragmatic information played little roles.

关 键 词: 关系从句 挂靠偏向 句法歧义消解

领  域: [语言文字—英语]


作者 吕杰
作者 赵晨
作者 何继军
作者 连小丽
作者 朱沛


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 汕头大学
机构 华南理工大学国际教育学院
机构 湖南大学
机构 电子科技大学中山学院
