机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学国际经济贸易学院国际经济贸易研究中心
出 处: 《经济社会体制比较》 2013年第6期168-180,共13页
摘 要: 文章利用40个国家1996~2009年的跨国面板数据,在考察发达国家与发展中国家居民消费率的影响因素的基础上,重点探究了财政支出中教育、医疗卫生以及社会保障支出对居民消费行为的影响。结果表明,民生性财政支出对发达国家居民消费率的影响并不显著;但在发展中国家中,教育以及医疗卫生支出对居民消费均有显著的促进作用,但是社会保障支出的作用则不显著。 In this paper,we use nationwide panel data of 40 countries from 1996 to 2009 to study the household consumption rate difference between developed and developing countries ,focusing on effect of public education, health care and social security expenditures. The results show that the effect of people's livelihood fiscal expend- itures on the household consumption rate is not significant in the developed countries. However, public education and health care expenditures can boost household consumption in developing countries, but social security ex- penditure cannot. At the end of this paper we make policy recommendation and indicate a direction for further study.
关 键 词: 民生性财政支出 居民消费率 预防性储蓄 跨国面板数据
领 域: [经济管理—财政学]