机构地区: 广州城市职业学院财会金融系
出 处: 《广州城市职业学院学报》 2019年第2期78-83,共6页
摘 要: 以高职《物流运输组织与实务》课程为试点,通过对成果导向教育理论的应用与改革,探索如何有效地基于预期学习成果进行课程教学设计,包括基于岗位技能设置预期学习成果、反向设置课程内容体系、确定策略并实施、学习成果的评估与考核、持续改进等内容。 Outcome-based education aims at the outcome of students. By transforming the teacher-centered education into the student-centered education, we can infer the education material, teaching process and learning process based on the outcomes from students. Based on the trial course design of Organization and Practice of Logistics, we explore how to design the course effectively by adopting the theory of outcome-based education. The design consists of a skill set with an expected outcome, a course framework, a teaching process, an evaluation of education, and continuing improvements of the design.