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A Study on the Motivations of Heritage Travelers Based on the Perspective of "Personal Heritage-Heritage Site" :A Case from Wuyi Mountain

作  者: (曾慧娟); ;

机构地区: 龙岩学院经济与管理学院

出  处: 《武夷学院学报》 2019年第1期31-38,共8页

摘  要: 旅游者动机是遗产旅游研究的热点之一,现有研究大多忽视了旅游者与遗产地之间的联系。采用扎根理论的研究方法,以世界自然与文化遗产地武夷山为例,对遗产旅游者的动机进行归纳和总结,并进一步探讨其背后的"个人遗产-遗产地"之间的关系。研究发现,遗产旅游者的出行动机主要包括三种类型:情感涉入动机、知识追求动机和非遗产体验动机,其中非遗产旅游体验包括与游客相关的动机和与遗产地相关的动机。在不同类型的动机中,旅游者与遗产地之间会产生某种联系。以情感涉入为主要动机的旅游者,包括怀旧和归属感在内的个人情感会与遗产地发生内在关联;以知识追求为主要动机的旅游者,其认知或知识结构会因遗产地得到加深和拓展;而非遗产旅游体验动机的旅游者与遗产地之间没有明显的联系。 The motivation of tourists is one of the hot spots in heritage tourism research.Most of the researches neglected the connection between tourists and heritage sites.Taking the Wuyi Mountain,a world natural and cultural heritage site,as an example,this study adopts the grounded theory to summarize the motives of heritage tourists and further explore the relationship between the"personal-heritage sites"behind it.The study found that there are three types of travel motivation for heritage tourists:emotional involvement motivation,knowledge pursuing motivation and non-heritage motivation including tourist-related motivations and heritage-related motivations.The connections between tourists and heritage sites exists in different types of motives.The tourists motivated by emotional involvement,associate inherently with heritage sites by the sense of nostalgia or belonging;under the knowledge pursuing motivation,the cognitive or knowledge structure of tourists would be deepened or expanded by the heritage tourism;tourists who are not motivated by heritage tourism experience have no obvious connection with the heritage site.The article enriches relevant research on personal heritage and heritage travel motivation.

关 键 词: 遗产旅游 旅游动机 个人遗产 武夷山

领  域: [经济管理—旅游管理] [经济管理—产业经济]


作者 崔庆明
作者 王晓晓
作者 杜小芳
作者 谭红娟
作者 张朝枝


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学旅游学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学


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