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On Constructing the Subject of Translator in Translation Theories in the Period of Late Qing Dynasty and Early the Republic of China

作  者: ; (沈岚);

机构地区: 电子科技大学中山学院

出  处: 《成都大学学报(教育科学版)》 2007年第11期113-116,共4页

摘  要: 清末民初的翻译被赋予厚重的历史使命,它着眼于目的语的文化构建,这为近代中国特殊的历史环境和文化环境所决定。这一时期的翻译理论更加突出译者的主体地位,形成以译者为中心主体,以作者和译入语读者为两个边缘主体的翻译主体体系。译者这一中心主体就客体的两世界(源语与目的语世界)、三方面(共谋的主客体和目的)、六因素(源文本、源语、源语文化与目的文本、目的语、目的语文化)实施翻译。译者面对民族存亡,求救国、图自强、谋复兴,依靠翻译大力传播西方文化,积极构建中国近代文化。 Translafons in the period of late Qing Dynasty and early the Republic of China were bestowed with strongly historical mission and were involved in constructing the target culture, which was determined by the special historical and cultural reality of modem China.The open - minded and far- sighted translators devoted themselves to sparing the nation from extinction and to rejuvenating China by translating the Western literature in hopes of learning from the West to construct modem Chinese culture. In translation theories of this period,the status of the translator is heightened.The translation is dominated by the translator the central object cooperating with the author and the target reader--the two marginal subjects about six dements (source text, source language, source language culture and target text, target language,target language culture) and three aspects (collusion' s subject,object and goals) in the two perspectives (the source and the target).

关 键 词: 清末民初 翻译理论 构建 译者 翻译主体

领  域: [语言文字—语言学]


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机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院


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