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Legislative Consultation Mechanism and Its Reform:An Empirical Study on Guangdong Experience

作  者: ; (陈上琦);

机构地区: 中国人大制度理论研究会

出  处: 《地方立法研究》 2017年第1期51-59,共9页

摘  要: 立法协商机制是保障立法活动规范有效的一种工作机制,也是协商民主制度的一种形式。在"四个全面"战略布局下进一步提出加强立法协商,具有重大现实意义和深远历史意义。广东立法实践经验表明,注重通过立法调研、法规多元化起草、发挥人大常委会委员及人大代表主体作用、立法听证与立法论证、广泛征求法规草案意见、立法前和立法后评估进行立法协商,立法协商工作整体呈现从自发协商到自觉协商、从局部协商到全面协商、从形式单一协商到形式多样协商、从程序式协商到务实性协商的转变。当然,也存在专题协商少、互动式讨论协商少、利用新媒体方式协商少、规范性协商少、反馈协商意见少等不足。为此,可按照"一个原则、五个机制"的基本思路进一步完善立法协商机制:一是坚持立法协商的政治性,牢牢把握党领导立法的根本原则;二是坚持立法协商的主导性,完善人大开展立法协商的主导机制;三是坚持立法协商对象的广泛性,完善公众在立法协商中的参与机制;四是坚持立法协商内容的公平性,完善重大利益调整的论证咨询机制;五是坚持立法协商方式的多样性,完善立法机关与社会公众的沟通机制;六是坚持立法协商成果运用的实效性,完善意见采纳运用反馈机制。 Legislative consultation mechanism is a working mechanism to guarantee legislative activities to be effective.Under the background of the strategic layout of Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy,it has great realistic significance and far-reaching historical significance to further strengthen legislative consultation.The local legislative practices in Guangdong have made a series of explorations on the legislative consultation and have already made some achievements.Nevertheless,there are still some deficiencies.Suggestions for further improving the legislative consultation mechanism can be summarized as 'one principle and five mechanisms'.Firstly,we should insist the political nature of legislative consultations,and firmly grasp the fundamental principle that the CCP take the lead in lawmaking process.Secondly,we should adhere to the leading-role of the People's Congress in legislative consultation,and improve the relevant mechanisms.Thirdly,we should insist the extensive public participation in the legislation process,and improve the relevant mechanisms.Fourthly,we should insist the fairness of the contents of the legislation consultation,and improve the relevant consultation and argumentation mechanisms concerning major interest adjustment.Fifthly,we should insist the diversity of legislative consultation mode,and improve the communication mechanism between the legislature and the public.Finally,we should insist effective application of the achievements of the legislative consultation,and improve the feedback mechanism concerning adoption of opinions.

关 键 词: 立法协商 立法质量 人大主导 公众参与 经验研究

领  域: [政治法律—法学]


作者 戴激涛
作者 欧世琳
作者 方育阗
作者 刘艺非
作者 张乐平


机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学公共管理学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东财经大学


作者 姚秀兰
作者 翟玉娟
作者 朱兴有
作者 付莹
作者 邓志红