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Study on the Dilemma and Countermeasures to Protect the Legitimate Rights and Interests of the Intern Trainees

作  者: ;

机构地区: 顺德职业技术学院

出  处: 《清远职业技术学院学报》 2016年第3期70-74,共5页

摘  要: 我国产业结构转型升级对劳动者的素质技能要求越来越高,顶岗实习已成为学校培养技能型、实践性型人才的一种重要方式。但由于我国教育行政法规与劳动法规立法相对滞后,从而出现大学生在实习期间劳动时间不统一、劳动报酬不明确、工伤保险存争议、能力培养难保证、劳动纠纷不仲裁等合法权益缺失的表现。合法权益缺失的原因主要有实习指导力度不够、实习法律法规不健全、实习市场不规范、顶岗实习生自我保护意识薄弱等。如何更好地保护顶岗实习生的合法权益,可从国家法律制度健全、用人单位监督管理、学校教育管理规范、学生法律意识培养等四个层面进行研究。 The transformation and upgrading of industrial structure raise higher demand for high quality and skilled workers; the internship has become one of the important means for school to train skilled and practical talents. As the legislation in educa- tion administrative regulations and labor law in China has lagged behind, during their internship period, the legitimate rights and interests of college students can not be protected: such as the inconsistence of their working hours, the indefinity of their remuner- ation, the disputes in work-related injury insurance, no guarantee of improvement or ability training for the trainees and the dele- tion of arbitration in labor disputes. Analysis of the reasons for the above-mentioned problems was conducted and conclusion was given on the following main issues like the inadequate guidance for internship, the imperfect internship laws and regulations, the unstandardized internship market, intern students' poor consciousness of self protection and etc.. Strategies and methods in four aspects such as the perfection of our national legal system, the supervision and management of internship providers, the standard- ization of schools' education management and the training of students' legal awareness should be explored to protect the legiti- mate rights and interests of intern students.

关 键 词: 顶岗实习生 合法权益 困境 学生身份 基本权益

领  域: [政治法律—法学]


作者 周紫玲
作者 刘毓
作者 文亚西
作者 张燕霏
作者 林春容


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学法学院
机构 广州城建职业学院
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 华南农业大学


作者 姚秀兰
作者 翟玉娟
作者 朱兴有
作者 付莹
作者 邓志红