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The Dynamic Mechanism Transform of China's Industrial Economic Growth

作  者: (江飞涛); (武鹏); ;

机构地区: 中国社会科学院工业经济研究所

出  处: 《中国工业经济》 2014年第5期5-17,共13页

摘  要: 中国工业增长的动力机制已由效率与要素协同驱动型向资本投入主导驱动型转变。以2003年为界,资本投入对工业经济增长的贡献率由年均34.07%大幅提升为89.28%,而全要素生产率进步的贡献率则由年均47.34%骤降为年均-4.08%。与此同时,全要素生产率增长率由年均4.60%急剧下降至年均-0.05%,边际资本产出率由2002年的0.61急剧下降至2012年的0.28。这表明,投资驱动工业经济增长的模式面临严峻的效率问题,其可持续性面临质疑。进一步研究表明,中国工业增长效率急剧恶化的趋势在国际金融危机之前就已经非常显著,国际金融危机并非导致效率恶化的根本原因,只是进一步加剧效率恶化的趋势。当前,由政府主导、投资驱动的工业经济增长方式才是工业增长效率恶化的根源。因此,实现向创新驱动、效率驱动增长方式的转交,关键在于理顺市场与政府关系,即:政府必须为市场建立完善的制度体系,让市场充分发挥其决定性作用;并在尊重市场机制及市场主体意愿的基础上积极作为,促进技术创新与技术转移。 The dynamic mechanism of China's industrial growth has already shifted to a mechanism driven by investment instead of efficiency and factor. Taking 2003 as demarcation line, the contribution of investment expansion to economic growth significantly increased from annnal]y average 34.07% to 89.28%. While the TFP's contribution substantially declined from annually average 47.34% to -4.08%. At the same time, the growth rate of TFP declined from annually average 4.6% to -0.05%, and the marginal capital output ratio declined from 0.61 in 2002 to 0.28 in 2012. It suggests that investment-driven industrial economic growth mode is face with the rigorous problem of efficiency, and it bring into doubt the sustainability of its high growth. Further research reveals that the rapidly deteriorating trend of China's industrial growth efficiency has been notable before the financial crisis. That means the financial crisis was not the principal cause of the deterioration of efficiency, which only further exacerbate it. At the grass-roots such efficiency loss stems from China's state-led and investment-driven industry development model. Therefore, the key is to straighten the relationship between government and market, aimed at realizing the transformation to innovation and efficiency-driven growth mode. That is, government should build perfect institutional system for market, and positively act on the base of respected the market mechanism and the market main body's intention, then improves the technological innovation and technology transformation.

关 键 词: 工业经济 动力机制 经济增长方式转变

领  域: [经济管理—世界经济]


作者 李日葵
作者 刘光天
作者 王叶玲
作者 张拴虎
作者 杨赛飞


机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院


作者 刘容欣
作者 张建森
作者 苏文
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