机构地区: 深圳大学中国经济特区研究中心
出 处: 《财经理论与实践》 2005年第1期19-24,共6页
摘 要: 为重构我国中央银行宏观调控机制应采取如下政策主张 :(1)将我国中央银行宏观调控终极目标由“保持货币币值的稳定 ,并以此促进经济增长”改为“保持金融稳定 ,促进经济增长、实现充分就业、保持国际收支平衡。”(2 )在中间目标的选择上 ,不仅要关注货币供应量这一指标 ,而且也要关注资本市场资产价格的变动。 (3)在调控手段的运用上 ,一是要减少对法定存款准备率手段的依赖 ;二是要重视运用公开市场业务操作手段 ,增加公开市场业务操作的频率 ;三是要实行廉价的货币政策。 (4)在我国中央银行宏观调控空间的拓展上 ,不仅要立足于货币市场 。 This paper thoroughly discussed the strategies to reforge the central bank's ultimate object, intermediate object, operational object and regulative mechanism. Suggestions about the selection of the objects were put forward: (1) ultimate object:change the present one of “stabilize the valuta hence propel the national economy' to “stabilize the finance, propel the national economy, realize high employment and maintain an international balance of payments'; (2) intermediate object selection: attend to not only the criteria of money supply but also the fluctuations of capital asset prices; (3) regulative method: reduce our dependence on required reserve rate, increase open market operations, continue the present monetary policy; (4) regulative spectrum: facilitate a transit of the money market to the capital market.
关 键 词: 货币供应量 最终目标 中间目标 法定存款准备率 公开市场业务
领 域: [经济管理—金融学]