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Pursuit of Quick Results:The Dilemma of the Official Selection in the Xuantong Period

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学人文科学学院历史系

出  处: 《学术研究》 2021年第9期113-124,178,共13页

摘  要: 宣统即位和摄政王主政后,为加快筹备立宪、招揽新人才,收紧了咸同光三朝逐步放开的用人权。然而,既往选官多途造成的壅滞疏通不易,故旧员的安置、新人才的甄选困扰当朝执政;铨选旧制未彻底退出,新规则的酝酿、制订及试行又遭遇现实的诸多阻碍。可见近代制度转型牵涉甚多,图治太急则事与愿违。宣统朝选官用人之乱象导致人心涣散、缺乏内部凝聚力的清廷无法抵挡辛亥革命摧枯拉朽的冲击。 After Xuantong was enthroned and the Prince Regent took charge of administration, restriction on the official selection was strengthened in order to absorb new talents for the establishment of a constitutional monarchy. However, the existing multiple ways of official selection had resulted in redundancy. Rearranging the old officials and recruiting new ones became a tough problem for the authority. As the old official selection system had not been completely abandoned, the design and the introduction of new regulations had to be confronted with various difficulties. Therefore, modern transformation of systems would create a butterfly effect while the pursuit of quick results might backfire. The disorder of the official selection in the Xuantong period damaged public trust, which contributed to the collapse of the Qing Dynasty.

关 键 词: 宣统朝 选官用人 旧人 新规则 乱象

领  域: [历史地理—历史学] [历史地理—中国史]




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