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The Direction,Path and Strategy of Logistic Revolution and Logistic Innovation

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

出  处: 《中国流通经济》 2017年第7期120-126,共7页

摘  要: 在"一带一路"建设加快及互联网、人工智能、电子商务迅猛发展的大背景下,大数据、云计算、物联网、区块链等现代信息技术在物流领域得到广泛应用,物流业的构成要素、结构、功能、效能等发生深刻变革,物流业态、物流模式、物流体系、物流平台、物流技术、物流企业组织、物流管理、物流人才培养等领域的创新也在快速推进。未来,物流业将围绕信息化、国际化、体系化、自动化、高效化,向外、向内、向上、向下、向深发展。向外即走向国外、境外、全球,构建全球物流体系;向内即内部分工更加专业化,业态更加丰富化,内部发展更加体系化、标准化等;向上即延伸至生产的前端、上游包括定制、设计等;向下即延长至流通渠道的下游、最后一公里、乡下农村物流;向深即向物流业的高端、纵深发展。 Under the background of implementing the Belt and Road Initiative and the rapid development of Internet,AI ande-commerce,such modern IT as big data,the Internet of Things and block chain has been applied to the field of logistics;theelement,structure,function and efficiency of logistic industry has been deeply changed;and innovation in type of logisticbusiness,logistic pattern,logistic system,logistic platform,logistic technology,logistic enterprise organization,logisticmanagement,and cultivation of logistic professionals has been rapidly promoted.In the future,taking informatization,internationalization,systemization,being automated and efficient as the targets,the logistic industry should be developedoutwardly,inwardly,upwardly,downwardly and deeply.The outward development means to build the global logistic system;the inward development means the more specialized internal labor division,the more enriched type of business,and the moresystemized and standardized internal development;the upward development means the extension to the frontend of production,upstream,customization and design;the downward development means the extension to the downstream,the last mile,and rurallogistics;and the in-depth development means the high-end development.

关 键 词: 新物流 物流革命 物流创新 供应链 最后一公里

领  域: [经济管理—国民经济]


作者 魏浩
作者 钟世臣
作者 谢晓佳
作者 朱小涛
作者 石现


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 中山大学
机构 广东工业大学


作者 张岩鸿