机构地区: 肇庆学院体育与健康学院体育学系
出 处: 《体育科技文献通报》 2007年第6期55-56,61,共3页
摘 要: 针对近年来我国篮球球场上不断出现的暴力事件,结合相关的法律法规,深入分析其产生过程及原因。探讨在体育赛事中应采取的安全保障措施,期望对国内的体育比赛组织者和球队管理者有所启发,从而有助于抑制我国篮球球场暴力的发展趋势。 Based on spectator violence accidence in our basketball match and combining with related law and regulation, this paper made deeply analysis on reason and discussed the security measurement taken in sports competition. The main purpose was to provide the reference for domestic sports competition organizer and manger and effectively control the developing trend of spectator violence in our basketball match.
领 域: [文化科学—体育训练] [文化科学—体育学]