机构地区: 西南大学心理学院人格与认知教育部重点实验室
出 处: 《心理发展与教育》 2010年第5期457-464,共8页
摘 要: 通过两个实验深入探讨了前提项目间差异对儿童归纳推理多样性效应的表现水平的影响。结果发现:(1)多样性效应受多样组和非多样组之间差异(前提项目间差异)大小的影响,在减小两组差异的前提下,5~6岁儿童尚未表现出多样性效应;除个别任务外,8~9岁儿童表现出多样性效应(实验1)。(2)对前提图片的形状差异进行数量化处理后发现,儿童在归纳推理多样性效应任务上的归纳判断力度随前提项目间差异的增大而增强;在前提项目间差异很小的情况下,10~12岁儿童也没有运用多样性信息进行推理;当前提项目间差异很大时,被试表现出多样性效应(实验2)。 This research studied and discussed the possible effect of the differences between premises on diversitybased reasoning, and examined the development of diversity-based reasoning of children as well. During our studies, two experiments were designed. 32 children aged 5 -6 and 32 children aged 8 -9 participated in experiment 1, while 51 children aged 10 - 12 participated in experiment 2. As differences between premises reducing, children aged 5 -6 consistently failed to consider sample diversity in inductive reasoning, but children aged 8 -9 tended to create diverse samples in their reasoning. Although our way to quantifying the difference between premises was artificial, as the difference between premises increased, the strength of inductive reasoning was enhanced. At least in this study, when the difference between premises reached the most of the differences it can be, choices of most subjects showed the diversity effect. However, when the differences were very small, although the subjects could judge which group' s differences were great, their inductive reasoning has no significant tendeney.