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The Interaction Effect of Conceptual Category and Property Category on Diversity Effects of Reasoning on Children

作  者: ; (雷怡); (李红);

机构地区: 教育部

出  处: 《心理学报》 2010年第2期241-250,共10页

摘  要: 为探讨概念范畴和特征类别对归纳推理多样性效应的影响,采用2(概念范畴:生物类别与非生物类别)×2(特征类别:不可见的隐蔽特征和可见的外显特征)的实验设计,设计了四组任务来考察5~6岁、8~9岁儿童归纳推理多样性效应的表现水平。结果显示:在非生物类别范畴材料上,5~6岁儿童在两种特征类别上均未表现出多样性效应,8~9岁儿童在隐蔽特征类别上表现出多样性效应;在生物类别材料上,5~6岁、8~9岁儿童在外显特征和隐蔽特征上均未表现出多样性效应。概念范畴和特征类别对8~9岁儿童的归纳判断力有显著影响:在概念范畴上,儿童在非生物范畴材料上的表现显著高于生物范畴;在特征类别上,儿童在隐蔽特征上的表现高于外显特征。 Positive diversity effects among adults have been reported in a number of studies using a variety of methods (e.g.,Heit,2000;Kim,Keil,2003;Osherson,Smith,Wilkie et al.,1990;Lopez,1995;Sloman,1993).However,there has been considerable debate about whether children also prefer diverse samples as the basis for induction.Several initial developmental studies,in which children were asked to make inductive inferences about animal categories based on a limited set of examples,suggested that children before 9 years old do not consider the degree of sample diversity when determining whether a sample provides a good basis for generalization (Lopez et al.,1992;Gutheil Gelman,1997;Rhodes,Gelman, Brickman,2008).In contrast to these null findings,some studies argue that children as young as 5 years old and even younger (4 years old) value sample diversity under certain circumstances (Heit,Hahn,2001;Lo,Sides,Rozelle,2002;Shipley,Shepperson,2006;Wu X,Li H,2008).Although multiple-exemplar samples were presented in the previous studies,some differences in the methods and materials should be realized,such as property category and conceptual category.In the present study,we further examine diversity-based reasoning in children as well as directly investigating the possible effects of property category and conceptual category on diversity-based reasoning.5-6 and 8-9 years old children were recruited and each was asked to perform on sixteen tasks in order to analyze the effect of different property categories and conceptual categories on diversity-based reasoning.The experiment used a 2(property category:hidden properties vs.visible properties) ×2 (conceptual category:biological category vs.abiological category) within-subject design.Across four types of tasks,we documented a developmental progression in children's understanding of diverse samples as a strong basis for generalizations,showing that young children (5~6 years old) consistently failed to consider sample diversity in their inductive reas

关 键 词: 归纳推理 多样性效应 概念范畴 特征类别

领  域: [哲学宗教—发展与教育心理学] [哲学宗教—心理学]


作者 易品伟
作者 谢晓兰
作者 曾拓
作者 陈珏静
作者 刘绍龙


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理学系
机构 深圳大学师范学院
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院
机构 中山大学


作者 张丽莲
作者 倪坚
作者 程建伟
作者 杨彪
作者 杜平