机构地区: 惠州学院
出 处: 《湘潭大学社会科学学报》 2001年第4期23-26,共4页
摘 要: 与理论联系实际的马克思主义学风密切相联系 ,马克思主义文风就是把马克思主义的内容和中国的民族形式结合起来 ,实现理论与实践的统一。坚持马克思主义科学学风与马克思主义革命文风的辨证统一 ,是坚持理论联系实际 ,把马克思主义普遍真理与中国革命具体实践结合起来的必要条件 ;是整顿党风、增强共产党员党性的重要保证 ;是建设科学化、民族化、大众化的新文化 。 Closely related with Marxist style of study of integrating theory with practice, the essence of Marxist style of writing requires an integration of the general principles of Marxism with the national reality in China. The dialectical unity of Marxist styles of study and writing is the basis for integrating theory with practice, i.e., integrating the general truth of Marxism with the reality of China. It is an important theoretical principle in taking necessary disciplinary actions and enhancing the Party spirit among the members. And it serves as the basis for the inherent demand for building a modern Chinese civilization, which is based on a scientific attitude, inheriting the Chinese traditions, and accepted by the mass.