机构地区: 广东第二师范学院
出 处: 《心理研究》 2014年第4期42-47,共6页
摘 要: 近期的研究表明,权力会以各种方式系统地影响个体的信息加工。本研究采用实验法,探讨了权力对风险决策偏好的影响。实验一通过权力经验启动范式,让被试回忆相关事件激活不同的权力感,进而考察高低权力个体在获益框架下风险决策的偏好;实验二则利用角色扮演的方式,将被试分置于权力高低不同的角色中,从而探究个体在损失框架下权力对风险决策偏好的影响。两个实验的结果表明,不论在获益框架还是损失框架下,即使排除个体情绪对风险偏好的作用,高权力个体都比低权力者表现出更强的风险偏好。 Recent research has shown that social power systematically influenceed information processing in many ways. The current studies investigated the impact of power on decision-making. Based upon previous social power research, we hypothesized that individuals that power increaseed a risk preference in decision-making in the power holder. Using multiple instantiations of power, including an episodic recall task (experiment 1) and assignment to high- and low-power roles (Experiment 2), power produced risk preference in different frames of risk decision-making, and mood didn't mediate the link between power and risk preference. These findings indicated that power was associated with the decision preference.
领 域: [哲学宗教—基础心理学] [哲学宗教—心理学]