作 者: ;
机构地区: 安康学院
出 处: 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2010年第3期11-14,共4页
摘 要: 簪花戴花是宋代朝廷的一个非常重要的礼仪制度。此风影响所及,在朝廷,它被当作喜庆欢乐的象征;在士人眼中,它是一种值得追求的荣耀、一种特立独行的炫耀、一种不屈不挠的民族气节;在民间,它是一种日常对美的自觉追求。由此可见,这种礼仪制度对宋代社会各阶层人士有重要的影响。 Wearing folwers was an important protocol in the Song Sorg dynasty.This custom wearing flower was taken as a symbol of festival ceremony.In the views of scholars,it was an unique honor and indefatigable ethnic quality that deserved for pursuit.Among the civilian,wearing flowers was a conscious pursuit for beanty in daily life.From above,it's clear that this kind of custom had an important impact on people from all walks of life in the Song Dynasty.
领 域: [历史地理—历史学] [历史地理—中国史]