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The“Borneo”Image and Its Construction in Chinese Mainland--Based on Chinese Literature Themed on“Borneo”in the Public Collection System of Chinese Mainland

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学图书馆

出  处: 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第5期36-43,共8页

摘  要: 婆罗洲地理范围主要是指属于马来西亚联合邦的砂拉越和沙巴二洲,即东马来西亚(简称“东马”)。中国大陆公共收藏体系中的“婆罗洲”主题图书大致反映出中国大陆的“婆罗洲”知识谱系。这个知识谱系以婆罗洲在地生产为主,其本土历史书写建构出“历史与乡土”情感框架下的婆罗洲华人形象,本土文学书写则建构出魔幻与现实交织的婆罗洲热带雨林形象。本土知识建构的“婆罗洲”形象在中国大陆的接受实际上反映了中国深度参与全球化进程自我认知的需求,中国大陆公众在自我与“他者”的互动中所接受的“婆罗洲”形象无可避免地带有异国情调或西方知识框架与价值立场规训的痕迹。 The geographical scope of Borneo mainly refers to the two states of Sarawak and Sabah belonging to the Union State of Malaysia,namely East Malaysia(known as“East Malaysia”).The“Borneo”-themed books in the public collection system of Chinese mainland roughly reflect the knowledge pedigree of“Borneo”in Chinese mainland.This knowledge pedigree is based on local production in Borneo,and the writing of local history constructs an image of Chinese in Borneo under the emotional framework of“history and homeland”,while the writing of local literature constructs an image of the Borneo tropical rainforest interwoven with magic and reality.The acceptance of the“Borneo”image constructed by local knowledge in Chinese mainland actually reflects China’s need for profound participation in the process of globalization and self-recognition,while the“Borneo”image accepted by the public in the Chinese mainland in their interaction with others inevitably bears traces of exoticism or Western knowledge framework and value standpoint.

关 键 词: 中国大陆 婆罗洲主题文献 公共收藏 本土知识 婆罗洲 形象

领  域: [文学—世界文学]


作者 田渝
作者 陈永杰
作者 岳经纶
作者 汤开建
作者 蔡楚舒


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
