作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学图书馆
出 处: 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2012年第10期41-49,161-162,共9页
摘 要: 中美学术界均主要视“天使岛诗歌”为华裔美国文学/历史的奠基文本,突出其独特的“华裔感性”对于构建美国华裔新身份的重要性,无意中忽略“天使岛诗歌”作为早期中国“新移民”创作,同时也是北美华文文学拓荒性文本。其史诗性在于诗歌的怨语愁言反映出近现代“家国同构”模式上的文化民族主义思潮;其文学性在于作为一个民间集体文本,其精品多以富于民族趣味的“比兴”及使事用典等传统手法呈现移民们丰富、鲜活的感性。而“非诗性”应放在近代“诗界革命”后旧体诗词自身转型的诗史维度中理解。 The poetry on Angel Island has been considered the founding text of Chinese American literature and history by both the Chinese and American scholars,given prominence to the significant influence of its unique 'Chinese American sensibility' on the construction of Chinese American new identity.Nevertheless,the current research involuntarily altered the fact that as the creation of Chinese early 'new immigrants',the poetry on Angel Island was also the path-finding text of the Chinese literature in North America.This paper has been re-imbedded the Chinese perspective and holds the view that its epic quality consisted in the grief and melancholy discourse as well as the harboring of the ideological trend of cultural nationalism.In the excluded heterogeneous context,the poets of Angel Island had found a mented world with the foundation of cultural pattern of 'integrated home and country' and the medium of selective traditional Chinese literary culture.Meanwhile,the literariness lays on the fact that as a collective folk text,the exquisite poems demonstrated immigrants' abundant and vivid sensibilities through the usage of the 'bi xing',allusion and other Chinese characteristic literary techniques.In addtion,the unneglectable 'non-poetic quality' of the poems should be apprehended from the poetic history of the self-transformation of traditional poetry after the 'Poetic Revolution' in modern age.
关 键 词: 天使岛诗歌 文化民族主义 民间集体文本 比兴 非诗性 诗界革命
领 域: [文学—世界文学]