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Terminologyopresuppositiono similarities and differences——Keyword critical approach in Earl Miner's Comparative Poetics from intercultural perspective

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学文学院

出  处: 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第6期86-92,共7页

摘  要: 厄尔·迈纳的《比较诗学》一书未以"关键词"命名,主要以比较诗学领域的一些重要术语、要素、概念及系联的具体问题为线索结撰全书,在学术理路上同样具有关键词批评方法论的意义。其入思和运思路径是:以"假定"或"理论预设"为出发点,通过概念、术语相似相异性的辨析,构建一个内部有机系联的诗学系统。其跨文化视野下对西方摹仿论概念、术语客观而又带有解构性的论述,对概念、术语审慎使用和意义边界的清晰界定、贴近文本的态度和策略,在概念、术语的理性演绎中别具个性的诗性化批评等特点,为今天的"关键词"批评热潮及比较诗学研究等提供了诸多镜鉴和思考。 Earl Miner didn't name his book Comparative Poetics with "Key words". However, his book is composed of some major terms, factors, conceptions and relevant problems in the field of comparative poetics. Such academic route has the meaning of keywords critical approach. Earl Miner's research idea was to start from assump- tion or theoretical presumption, then recognize the similarities and differences among conceptions or terms, and at last build an inner organic poetic system. This system is characterized as follows: First, Earl Miner used the imper- sonal and deconstructive argument to the conceptions or terms of the mimetic theories with the transcuhural horizon ; second, he defined the meanings and boundaries of the terms or the conception prudently; third, his theoretical terms and conceptions were close to the literature text; Moreover, Earl Miner's statement was full of poetic expres- sion. All the above traits offer us a reference to the "keyword" boom of literature critics and comparative poetics.

关 键 词: 厄尔 迈纳 比较诗学 关键词批评

领  域: [文学—文学理论]


作者 杨雪梅
作者 廖华
作者 张霁
作者 万蕊
作者 丘海雄


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学文学院
