作 者: ;
机构地区: 嘉应学院教育科学学院
出 处: 《大理学院学报(综合版)》 2011年第7期74-78,共5页
摘 要: 目前,学术界对"高校管理科学化"的内涵已有论述,但存在两个问题:一是没有针对高校作为学术性组织的特点;二是往往只涉及其必要条件未揭示其充分条件。规范论为人们深入探讨高校内部管理科学化的内涵提供了一个新视角。联系高校的特点,指出在规范论视角下高校内部管理科学化应该具有的内涵:管理规范是高校内部管理科学化的前提;合规律性和合目的性的统一是管理规范的基础;"学术自由、办学自主、自律"是高校内部管理科学化的集中表现,也是从管理规范到管理科学化的中介。 For now, the connotation of internal scientific management of universities has been discussed already. But two problems still exist: one is that the feature of making the college as an academic organization can't be seen, the other is that necessary condition can oi^en be considered while sufficient condition is often ignored. Gauge Theory provides a new viewpoint for people who are to prohe into the iuternal scientific management of universities. Concerning the features of universities, this article will point out what the proper connotation of internal scientific management of universities should be under the guide of gauge theory, And it should be: standard management is the premise of internal seientific management of universities; uniting the norms and purposes is the basis of standard management; academic freedom and self-autonomy and self-discipline in running a university are the embodiment and medium of the internal scientific management of universities.
领 域: [文化科学—高等教育学] [文化科学—教育学]