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Study on Sports Consumption of Medical Students of Luzhou Medicalcollege(LZMC)

作  者: ; ; (庞宇); (宠博); (徐平); (冷杰);

机构地区: 泸州医学院体育系

出  处: 《四川体育科学》 2012年第2期118-124,共7页

摘  要: 目的:通过对泸州医学院医大学生这一特殊消费群体体育消费现状的调查与分析,为该校医大学生提供体育消费的合理化建议;为学校体育教育改革提供思路和参考;也为其他医学院校和西南地区高校学生的体育消费提供借鉴。方法采用文献资料、调查问卷、数理统计等方法,对泸医医大学生体育消费现状进行调查与分析。结果泸医医大学生有76%左右来自农村,整体家庭经济状况不佳、消费还处于较低水平。虽然该校医大学生体育消费观念认识正确、态度积极,但实际体育锻炼情况不容乐观,体育消费总体参与度不高。结论:较低的消费水平是导致泸医医大学生体育消费水平差的主要原因;学业压力大、课余时间不充裕、课外时间占据较多则是阻碍其积极进行体育锻炼的主要因素;而学校体育锻炼设施较为缺乏、体育课程设置的局限以及校园体育锻炼氛围不浓更是影响医大学生参加体育锻炼和体育消费的重要原因。因此,加大学校体育经费的投入、加大体育场馆设施建设的力度乃当务之急;而开设医大学生喜闻乐见的、时尚的兴趣选项课程,积极开展多形式的课外活动,开展易于推广与普及的大众性健身项目的课余训练和竞赛,是引导和培养医大学生体育锻炼和消费的、积极的、必须的教育改革措施和手段。 Purpose: According to a study on sports consumption of LZMC,Some rational suggestions are put forward on sports consumption of medical college as well as other higher learning institutions of southwest;Base on it,Some ideas are offered on works of sports reform of LZMC.Ways: Through using the method of literature review,Investigation and mathematical statistics,This paper makes analysis on sports consumption of LZMC.Results: the family finances of students which 76% of them come from countryside in LZMC are at a low level.Though their conceptions on sports consumption of LZMC are positive and correct,the real situations are gloomy.Conclusion: High learning stress of college students and inadequate after school time is the most important reason for hindering sports consumption and doing physical exercise.Low level of consumption of students also plays a negative role in sports consumption.The shortage of sports facilities and spirits of physical exercise is other reason.So the most urgent task which ought to be carried out at this moment for institutions is enlarging investment on facilities and funds on sports.Holding some interesting outdoor activities and sports competitions are necessary measures for guiding spots consumption of college students.

关 键 词: 泸州医学院 医大学生 体育消费

领  域: [文化科学—体育训练] [文化科学—运动人体科学] [文化科学—体育学]


作者 魏永
作者 肖翠梅
作者 沈财利
作者 杨正云
作者 陈福盛


机构 广州体育学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 韶关学院体育学院
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 肇庆学院体育与健康学院
