作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学外国语学院
出 处: 《中国翻译》 2006年第3期31-35,共5页
摘 要: 本文记录了笔者在比利时"语言与翻译研究国际研讨会"上的观察及对几位专家的访谈。该国际会议上所发表的论文质量及其涉及的研究专题在一定程度上反映了这样一种现实:语言学途径翻译研究正在扎扎实实地进行并开始取得显著的成绩。这种事实本身也肯定了语言学理论与翻译研究的密切关系及其对翻译研究的重要借鉴作用。几位受访专家更是站在纵览全局的高度,论述了翻译研究跨学科及多元化的性质、翻译研究的现状及存在问题。他们一致认为,现在该是心平气和地反思和总结翻译研究中的问题、脚踏实地多做一些翻译理论构建和实证研究的时候了。 While attending the International Conference on the Study of Language and Translation held in Belgium in January, 2006, the author interviewed four leading scholars in translation studies. All the interviewees agreed that as an interdisciplinary area of inquiry, TS needs to draw on theories and methods from related disciplines. Since translation is by nature a linguistic activity and its practice can be represented only through language and texts, linguistics has the most to offer to TS. They also agreed that TS has now entered a new phase in its development, one whose task it is to consolidate and whose agenda includes constructing solid research models and undertaking more empirical investigations into the real state of translation.
关 键 词: 现代语言学 翻译研究 理论建构 实证研究 比利时
领 域: [语言文字—语言学]