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Clinical Value of Oral SPIO as a Negative Contrast Agent in MPCP: Preliminary Study

导  师: 许乙凯

学科专业: 100207

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 南方医科大学

摘  要: 研究目的:该次实验的主要目的包括:1、探讨口服SPIO对比剂在MRCP中应用的可能性.2、在口服SPIO对比剂的情况下,确定MRCP最佳的成像方法.3、评价MRCP在诊断胰胆管疾病中的作用.结论:1、SPIO可能作为MRCP较理想的口服阴性对比剂,抑水效果好,用量小,优于口服Gd-DTPA.2、口服SPIO对比剂的条件下,TSE单一切块MRCP图像较多层HASTE MRCP图像对显示胆总管下段、胰管效果更佳,抑水效果更明显.3、MRCP对胆系结石的诊断有很高的特异性;MRCP有助于慢性胰腺炎与胰腺癌、肝外胆管良恶性狭窄的鉴别,结合MR平扫和增强扫描,可进一步提高MRCP的诊断效果. 1. To investigate feasibility of using SPIO as a gastrointestinal oral contrast agent during MR cholangiopancreatography/(MRCP/). 2. To select better imaging sequences for MRCP with oral SPIO contrast agent. 3. To assess the usefulness of MRCP in the evaluation of pancreaticobiliary diseases. Subjects and Methods 1. In Vitro experiment SPIO were diluted to different concentration /(0.25mmol//L 0.5 mmol//L 0.75 mmol//L, 1.0mmol//L 1.25 rnmol//L, 1.5 mmol//L 2.0 mmol//L 2.5 mmol//L 3.0 mmol//L 3.5 mmol//L/),distilled water was selected as blank control. All the diluted series and distilled water were imaged with single-shot fast spin-echo plus sequences and analyzed their signal intensity. The optimal concentration of SPIO were selected as an oral contrast agent in MRCP. 2. Clinical Study /(1/) 50 consecutive patients suffering from or suspected of different pancreaticobiliary diseases were imaged with plain and oral SPIO contrast agent MRCP, two data acquisition techniques were employed: multislice acquisition postprocessed by maximum intensity projection HASTE-MRCP and single slab Turbo spin-echo pulse/(single slab TSE/). The depiction of the gallbladder, cystic duct, common bile duct, and pancreatic duct were compared on single slab TSE images and then their statistical differences were evaluated. 17 patients were also imaged with oral Gd-DTPA contrast agent MRCP, the extent of fluid signal suppressed in stomach and duodenum was compared with the oral SPIO MRCP on single slab TSE data acquisition. /(2/) The depiction of the gallbladder, cystic duct, common bile duct, and pancreatic duct were compared between HASTE-MRCP and single slab TSE on MRCP images under the condition of oral SPIO contrast agent. Statistical differences were evaluated. /(3/) The MRCP features of pancreaticobiliary diseases were analyzed. Results 1. Vitro Experiment: Decrea

关 键 词: 超顺磁性氧化铁 磁共振成像 胰胆管成像 对比剂

领  域: [医药卫生—放射医学] [医药卫生—临床医学]


