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A Research on the Matching Mechanism of Chinese Traditional Creative Products and Users:Taking Yuxian Ceramics as an Example

作  者: ;

机构地区: 景德镇陶瓷大学管理与经济学院

出  处: 《外国经济与管理》 2021年第7期141-152,共12页

摘  要: 产品与用户匹配是决定创业企业生存和发展的首要问题,而中国传统文创产品如何与用户匹配则是一个尤其具有挑战性的新课题。文创产品因其观念价值的不确定性和用户需求的模糊性,需要构建独特的文创产品与用户匹配机制。本文遵循"假设—构建—验证"的精益创业逻辑,通过对小微文创企业宇弦陶瓷开展纵向单案例研究,基于匹配视角探讨传统文创产品与用户匹配的过程与机制。研究发现有三点:首先,识别了文创产品具有功能价值与观念价值双重属性与作用,其中观念价值的创造与传递是影响传统文创产品与用户匹配的关键因素;其次,既要构建功能型最简可行产品验证产品功能价值假设,更要构建以产品认知与情景体验为核心的服务型最简可行产品验证产品观念价值假设;最后,产品与用户二元匹配机制协调互补、共同迭代才能实现文创产品与用户持续匹配。本研究为文创企业探索基于传统文化资源开发新产品,寻求产品与用户双边匹配提供了方法指导,对政府制定培育支持小微文创企业创业活动的政策计划具有参考价值。 With the booming of creative industries in the world,handmade creative products based on Chinese traditional culture have gradually attracted the attention of academic circles.However,startups are generally faced with the problem of matching creative products with users.Existing studies have paid insufficient attention to the uniqueness of creative products and the difficulty of Product-User Fit.Based on the two-sided matching visual angle,this paper takes Yuxian Ceramics,a micro creative enterprise,as an example,and aims to reveal the diversity and hidden factors in the matching process of traditional handmade creative products and users by taking Product-User Fit as the analysis unit.The research findings are mainly as follows:(1)The disconnection between the creation and transmission of idea value is the cause of the mismatch between traditional creative products and users.(2)Build function-oriented minimal viable products(MVP)to verify the hypothesis of product function value,and find angel users.(3)Construct service-oriented MVP with product cognition and situational experience as the core,verify the hypothesis of product idea value,and attract large-scale user groups.The main contributions of this paper are as follows:(1)It identifies the dual value attributes and functions of traditional creative products.(2)It identifies the dual mechanism of matching traditional creative products with users.(3)It analyzes the interrelationship of the dual matching mechanism of matching traditional creative products with users,and enriches the entrepreneurial theory of traditional creative products.Based on the material and spiritual dual attributes of traditional creative products,two closed loops of value creation will be formed to stabilize the function value of products and expand the idea value of products.They complement each other and iterate together to promote continuous matching of creative products with users.The conclusion provides guidance for creative enterprises to explore the development of new products ba

关 键 词: 文创产品 匹配 最简可行产品 迭代

领  域: [经济管理—产业经济] [化学工程—陶瓷工业] [化学工程—硅酸盐工业]


作者 罗杰
作者 刘翠英
作者 郭海根
作者 张笑欢
作者 肖亮远


机构 中山大学
机构 佛山科学技术学院人文社科学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 汕头大学


作者 邓志旺
作者 蒋学民