机构地区: 北京航空航天大学经济管理学院
出 处: 《管理世界》 2020年第8期19-31,M0004,235,共15页
摘 要: 人类踏入21世纪20年代初,新冠疫情骤然在全球爆发,成为全球共同关注的重大突发公共卫生事件。中国政府举全国之力战疫,快速阻断了以武汉为主战场的全国本土疫情传播,向常态化疫情防控和经济社会发展双统筹迈进。本文旨在基于文本数据、爬虫数据、访谈数据,复盘中国防疫模式,本研究贡献主要为:率先对疫情管理活动分为基础活动与支持活动,并构建了由基础活动与支持活动的不同关键要素共同组成的疫情管理框架;疫情之下生命重于泰山的举国体制、政府强大的组织动员能力以及数字化平台是中国成功控制疫情的"法宝"。本研究结论不仅从微观动态层面为深入研究重大突发公共卫生事件奠定了理论基础,也有利于从常态化视角重构全球突发公共卫生事件治理体系,并对各国遏制疫情全球蔓延,提供重要的管理启示与借鉴意义。 At the beginning of 2020,the epidemic due to coronavirus suddenly broke out all over the world and quickly be-came a global public health emergency.The domestic epidemic in China,with W uhan as the main battlefield,was ba-sically blocked mobilized the whole country,making progress towards regular epidemic control and coordinated eco-nomic and social development now.Thus,this paper aims to review the management activities implemented in China against the epidemic based on the data collected from text and crawler analysis,as well as from interviews.The key findings of this paper are threefold.First,it is found that the key activities implemented in China against the epidemic can be classified into basic and support activities.Second,a framework for epidemic management is proposed,which consists of different key elements of basic and support activities.Third,the national system of China under the con-cept of"life is much more important",the strong organizational mobilization capabilities of Chinese governments,and the digital platforms are recognized as three indispensable conditions for China to control the epidemic successfully.These findings not only lay a solid theoretical foundation for the in-depth study of large-scale public health emergen-cy from the micro dynamic perspective,but also facilitate the reconstruction of the global governance system for public health emergency in terms of normalization and provide important management inspiration and reference for countries that are fighting against the global spread of the epidemic.