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Three-dimensional Texture Research of Qing Ci

作  者: (朱则杰); ;

机构地区: 浙江大学传媒与国际文化学院国际文化学系

出  处: 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2009年第5期186-192,共7页

摘  要: 清代词学与清代的诗歌或诗论关系十分密切,有些长期困扰词学界的具体问题如结合诗歌或诗论进行考察,可以比较顺利地得到解决。清初陈维崧《摸鱼儿.听白生琵琶》一词,谭献誉之为"拔奇本师长歌之外",学者对"本师"始终未得其解,实则"本师"指陈维崧老师吴伟业,"长歌"即其长篇七言歌行《琵琶行》。清代中叶一部可能已佚的词学著作《本事词》,其编撰者的姓名、字号、籍贯和原书规模均不详,而借助《两浙轩续录》、《夙好斋诗钞》等相关诗集,这些情况便可得知。清末况周颐《蕙风词话.续编》,偶尔提到沈善宝所撰的《闺秀词话》,学者每据此以为该《闺秀词话》确有其书,实则有关引文乃出自沈善宝《名媛诗话》,所谓"闺秀词话"只是随意而称。 Qing Ci and Qing poems or the poetic theory of Qing Dynasty are closely related. Certain intractable problems which have constantly been puzzling academic field of Ci-poems could be well resolved by studying the poems as well as the poetic theory of Qing Dynasty. Hardly identified is "ben shi't from the comment "better than benshi's long poem" by Tan Xian on "Mo yu er:Ting Baisheng Pipa" written by Chen Weisong of early Qing Dynasty. In Fact, "benshi" refers to Chen's teacher Wu Weiye while the "long poem" is Wu's "Pipa Xing'. Some unavailable vital information of a probably missing masterpiece Benshi Ci, including writer's name, title, birthplace and the scale of original edition, may be retrieved with the enlightenment from relevant anthologies: Liangzhe Youxuan Xulu and Suhaozhai Shichao. Guixiu Cihua written by Shen baoshan was occasionally mentioned in Huifeng Cihua Xubian by Kuang Zhouyi. Accordingly,Scholars are often misled to believe that Guixiu Cihua is virtually a book. However, Guixiu Cihua is an informal appellation of Mingyuan Shihua by Shen Shanbao.

关 键 词: 清代词学 陈维崧 陈銮 沈善宝 本事词 闺秀词话

领  域: [文学—中国文学]


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作者 马茂军


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 广东石油化工学院


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作者 祝学剑
作者 张克
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