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A Study on the Caring Characteristics and Caring Effects of the Disabled Elderly People

作  者: ; (赵小仕);

机构地区: 广东金融学院

出  处: 《南方人口》 2022年第3期27-38,共12页

摘  要: 文章基于2005-2018年中国老年人健康影响因素追踪调查(CLHLS)数据,考察失能老人的照护特征、照护效果及其变化趋势,并实证分析照护特征对失能老人照护效果的影响。研究结果表明:(1)2005-2018年间,老年人的失能率介于22%-27%,平均失能率为24.73%,失能率水平较高且呈上升趋势,女性、高龄、城镇、丧偶、东部老年人的失能率相对更高。(2)子女及其配偶是失能老人照护的主要供给者和支付者,但社会化服务和老年福利制度的作用不断增强,失能老人每周平均照护支出和照护时长分别为491.26元和52.77个小时,照护支出增长迅速。(3)失能老人的照护效果总体较好,平均得分为81.66分(分值范围:60-100分),大致呈上升趋势,但不同失能老年人群的照护效果存在较大差异。(4)照护人员、照护费用来源、照护支出、照护时长等照护特征是影响失能老人照护效果的重要因素。文章认为,大力发展社会化照护服务和老年福利制度、建立照护成本分摊机制、实施差别化的照护政策是未来构建失能老人照护服务体系的关键。 Using the data of CLHLS 2005-2018,the paper demonstrates the caring characteristics,caring effects of the disabled elderly and the changes.and further estimates the impact of the caring characteristics on the caring effects of the disabled in China.The results showed that:1.The disability rate of the elderly ranges from 22% to 27% with average rate 24.73% from 2005 to 2018,and the disability rate is different among different elderly group with increasing high disability rate among the female,aged,urban,widowed old people as well as those elders in the eastern;2.Children and their spouses are the main providers of the disabled elders with increasing diversified social caring services with an average weekly caring expenditure and caring time of disabled elderly are 491.26 rmb and 52.77 hours;3.The caring effect of disabled elderly is generally satisfied with an average score of 81.66(scope ranging from 60-100)and an increasing trend,however the caring effect differs among the groups by different disability rate;4.The caring characteristics such as cares provider,the payers of the caring cost,caring expenditure and caring duration are the important factors affecting the caring effect of the disabled elderly.

关 键 词: 失能老人 照护特征 照护效果 双向固定效应模型

领  域: [社会学—人口学]



机构 珠海城市职业技术学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学法学院


作者 马航
作者 傅崇辉