作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东第二师范学院外语系
出 处: 《广东第二师范学院学报》 2012年第4期79-85,共7页
摘 要: 切斯特曼提出的五种翻译伦理模式中,再现伦理位居首要。在翻译实践中,译者应该重视作者的意图,不负作者;应该忠实于作品意图,不欺读者,在文学翻译中尤为如此。通过对林语堂著Moment in Peking的汉译本《京华烟云》进行分析,阐明译者与出版机构应一道承担不负作者、不欺读者的伦理责任,共同为文学翻译事业的健康发展而努力。 Chesterman puts "Representation" on the first place of his five ethical models.In translation,especially in literary translation,the translator should value the intention of the author so as not to wrong him/her;should be loyal to the intention of the original so as not to deceive the readers.The analysis of the translated version of Lin Yutang′s Moment in Peking expounds that the translator and the publishing house should work together to shoulder the ethical responsibility,and promote the sound development of literary translation.
领 域: [语言文字—英语]