作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东金融学院金融系
出 处: 《南亚研究季刊》 2012年第3期62-68,5,共7页
摘 要: 中印两国企业债券市场均滞后于本国股票及政府债券市场的发展。政府的过严管制和倾向性引导造成了市场的功能性、结构性及基础性等诸多缺陷。从两国比较情况看,印度企业债券市场在发行定价、信息披露与监管等方面的市场化程度更高,中国企业债券市场的基础设施及交易管理清算体系则相对较为完善,同时近些年在市场规模和流动性方面也呈现出更强的发展态势。未来中国企业债券市场的发展应继续坚持市场化发展方向,加快国际化进程,进一步提高在亚洲新兴经济体债券市场中的地位。 The development of the corporate bond markets of China and India is lagging behind of their stock markets and treasure bond markets. There are many drawbacks in the corporate bond markets in the two countries. Comparatively, however, Indias corporate bond market is more market-oriented in issuance pricing, information disclosure, and supervision. To enhance its position in bond markets of Asian emerging economies, China should make its corporate bond market more market-oriented and internationalized.
领 域: [经济管理—财政学]