作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学文学院中国语言文学系
出 处: 《中国人民大学学报》 2001年第5期112-117,共6页
摘 要: 北宋亡国后随着政治上的南北分治 ,词文学创作也分化为建立在地理文化意义上的南宗与北宗两大体派 ,两派在题材内容、艺术风格、审美祈向及词体形式等方面呈现出各自不同的特色 ,但南北词坛并非绝对封闭和隔绝 ,而是始终存在着一个交流。 Following the subjugation of the Northern Song Dynasty, with the political partition between the North and the South, the literary creation of Ci also broke up into two main categories in a geographical cultural sense, namely the Southern School and the Northern School. The two schools manifested distinct features in terms of subject matter, artistic style, aesthetic tendency and form of Ci style, but the Northern and Southern literary world of Ci were by no means completely enclosed and isolated, rather, there were contact, inter dynamics and fusion between the two.
关 键 词: 南宋词 金元词 南宗词 北宗词 世纪 题材内容 艺术风格 词体
领 域: [文学—中国文学]