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The Administration and Distribution of Salt at Fujian Province during the Reigns of Hongwu and Xuande Emperors

作  者: ;

机构地区: 兰州大学经济学院

出  处: 《中国经济史研究》 2019年第5期164-176,共13页

摘  要: 一般认为,明初盐业属于劳役制支配下的官手工业,国家垄断并配置食盐生产资料,且控制着食盐的生产与流通。通过对福建盐业的考察,本文发现洪武至宣德年间,福建虽然建立了盐政专管体制、编佥灶户、征调盐课,但是灶籍登记混乱,无生产资料配置,最终形成了一个依赖地方势要、以盐课征调为主要职责的盐场管理体系。宣德以前,福建盐课少开中,而户口食盐法早在洪武中后期已败坏,食盐在一定程度上能够自由流通。在盐利吸引下,濒海人群改进制盐技术、重新配置食盐生产资料,地方势要则借机控制了食盐生产。此盐业秩序的形成,与福建官府对地方资源的占有情况、执行制度的具体策略直接相关,而洪武年间国家征收、分配盐课以发挥食盐财政功能而非全面控制地方盐业的管理目的,有限的管理成本和技术,以及民间对盐利的追求是这种盐业秩序运行的重要机制。 It is generally thought that the state monopolized and allocated means of salt production, controlling salt production and distribution in early Ming Dynasty. At that time, the salt industry was a state-run handicraft industry under the Corvee System. This paper shows that Fujian Province established a salt administration system, strictly controlling salt men who were responsible for salt production and taxes during the Reigns of Hongwu and Xuande Emperors. However, the registration of the salt men was confused, and there was no salt production tools allocated by the state. Thus a salt administration system formed which relied on the local authorities and took the salt levying as the main responsibility. Before the Xuande Period, the amount of salt taxes in Fujian Province was less used for Kai Zhong System, and the system in which salt was distributed according to population was broken, thus the salt circulates freely to a certain extent. Under the stimulation of salt profit, the coastal population improved the salt production technology and redistributed salt production means to control salt production. Under the framework of the salt monopoly system, salt industry at Fujian province was a market-oriented industry dominated by folk in the early Ming Dynasty. The situation was directly related to the possession of local resources and the specific strategy of implementing the salt administration system by Fujian government. The logic behind the situation is that under the limit of supervision cost and technology, the state collected and distributed salt taxes to fulfill the financial function of salt rather than completely controlling the local salt industry.

关 键 词: 明初 盐政 盐业 市场 福建

领  域: [经济管理—产业经济]


作者 叶锦花
作者 周凯歌
作者 王静雅
作者 姜振逵
作者 罗欧亚


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系
机构 暨南大学文学院历史学系
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系
机构 惠州学院政治法律系


作者 邓志旺
作者 蒋学民