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Household System,Demand of Tax and Corvee and People's Evasion——Studies of Multi-Households in Quanzhou Salt-work Region in the Early Ming Dynasty

作  者: ;

机构地区: 兰州大学经济学院

出  处: 《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2016年第6期103-117,共15页

摘  要: 明初,泉州盐场地区的人口普遍同时拥有军、灶、民等不同名色的户籍,造成此现象的重要机制是明初户籍制度设计、官府赋役需求与民间规避赋役等因素之间的矛盾及调适。洪武年间,朝廷设置惠安、浔美、州和浯州等四个盐场以控制泉州沿海地区的盐业资源,并进行了以管理地方、维持盐场运作为主要目的的户籍整顿,使得泉州盐场地区以灶户为主,灶、民、军杂居共处。而为了获得军伍,洪武九年(1376)、洪武二十年官府对泉州盐场地区已登记户籍的人们垛集、抽籍,除了民户,灶户、军户也成为垛抽对象。被垛集、抽籍的人们登记军籍的同时,亦保留原籍,遂拥有了军、民,或军、灶,或军、军等多重户籍。此外,逃亡、转移户籍、转嫁户役等地方人户规避赋役的策略亦是地方户籍赋役偏离制度原则,出现多籍现象的不可忽视的原因。重叠的户籍登记也使得与泉州盐场地区相关的州县、盐场、卫所等三大管理系统自建立以来就具有内在联系性,在运作上互相影响。 In the early Ming Dynasty,people usually had varieties of households,such as Junhu,Minhu and Zaohu in Quanzhou salt-work region,which was resulted from the confliction and adaptation between household system,government demand of tax and corvee and people's evasion.In the Hongwu period,the government founded four salt-work——Huian,Xunmei,Bingzhou and Wuzhou——to control the salt resource in the coastal city Quanzhou,and adjusted the household system to be aimed to administrate the salt-work region well and take Zaohu as the main part while Junhu,Minhu and Zaohu coexisted.In the 9th and 20 th years of the Hongwu period,the government conscripted new Junhu from all kinds of households,and many people were unregistered as Junhu meanwhile keeping their former household,such as Minhu and Zaohu,which in the end helped to bring about the phenomenon of Multi-Households.In addition,these kinds of tactic for evasion of tax and corvee,besides death,transforming household and shift corvee also exacerbated the situation of Multi-Households.So the three administrative systems——County,Garrison and Salt-work——since the initial time of be instituted,had complex relationship and interaction with each other in factual operation owing to the Multi-Households.

关 键 词: 户籍 赋役 盐政 军政 明初

领  域: [历史地理—历史学] [历史地理—中国史]


作者 叶锦花
作者 罗欧亚
作者 叶恒
作者 熊珍珍
作者 杨清华


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院
机构 广州南洋理工职业学院
机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系


作者 周琍
作者 王双印
作者 陈海先
作者 李有刚
作者 宾华