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Proving Tao with Limitary:the Ultimate Aim of Wudang Martial Arts

作  者: ; (胡庆武);

机构地区: 沈阳体育学院民族传统体育系

出  处: 《沈阳体育学院学报》 2008年第6期125-128,共4页

摘  要: 武当武术与道家的哲学有着密切的关系。研究发现,武当武术具有地方宗教与地方武术结合的特点;具有文武兼备的文化特点;具有武道并举、以武弘法的双重目标。研究中突出体现了5个新观点:①禹伐三苗之战所使用的"干戚舞"对武当武术起源起到了关键性作用;②玄武崇拜寓意着"摄龟"夹蛇除恶的勇敢之意;③较清晰地证实了张三丰南传内家拳、北传太极拳的两条传承路线;④武当尚剑体现了道剑结合的鲜明特点,具有降妖除魔的功效;⑤武当武术的清规戒律深受道教哲学、儒学的"仁学"和佛教的"禅学"的多重影响。 Wudang martial arts is closely related to Taoist philosophy. This paper finds that Wudang martial arts have the characteristics of combining local religious with local martial arts and are both civilian and military, and have the double targets of developing military and Taoism simultaneously and enlarge law by military. The Study outstandingly reflects the following five new perspective: ①Dayu attacked Sanmiao using "Ganqi Dance" which played a key role in the origin of Wudang martial arts; ②The Xuanwu worship implicated courage meaning of eliminating evil forces by Snake winding turtle; ③ It more dearly confirmed the two routes which Zhang Sanfeng spread Nei Jia Quan to the south and Tai Ji Quan to the North; ④Wudang advocated sword reflecting the distinct feature of the combing of Taoist and sword, and it had the effectiveness of devil eradication; ⑤Rules and laws of Wudang martial arts were deeply affected by Taoist philosophy, benevolence of Confucianism, and Buddhism.

关 键 词: 武当 武术 张三丰 内家拳 尚剑 道教

领  域: [文化科学—民族体育] [文化科学—体育学]


作者 程馨
作者 任丽莎
作者 蔡宝忠
作者 袁康就
作者 郑柔琼


机构 广州体育学院
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州体育学院武术系
机构 中山大学
