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Unhealthy Phenomenon and Visualization Trend in the Research of Wushu Culture

作  者: ;

机构地区: 沈阳体育学院

出  处: 《北京体育大学学报》 2018年第2期130-138,共9页

摘  要: "武术文化"是近30年出现的全新概念,是一个不易把握的词汇或武术现象,值得高度重视和认真研究。以文献研究法为主,兼用历史考辩法、实例印证法、学术积累法和综合归纳法,从多维度考查和梳理"武术文化"研究的现状。研究发现:目前我国武术文化研究中存在的不良现象有4方面,即无限放大武术文化内涵、生搬硬套多种学科理论、故弄玄虚偷换武术概念、理论研究与技术相脱节;表现为抽象化、定性化、主观化、人为化、神秘化、玄虚化的突出问题。针对此问题,从实证和逻辑的角度大胆提出了具象化的研究构想和实践,并对一些传统的习惯说法和已定论的重大问题提出质疑及悖论,如特别强调武术与多学科的依附规律在于"结合点",而不是"面";用解剖学原理科学解释"丹田之气"就是一种腹式呼吸方法;用物理学方法印证真正的"轻功""飞檐走壁"等多个新结论。由此将具象化方向确定为:复杂问题的简单化、指标体系的标准化、研究方法的科学化、学术成果的创新化。 Wushu culture is a new concept that has appeared in the last 30 years. It is a word or Wushu phenomenon that cannot be easy to grasp; it deserves our attention and careful study. This study combed the current situation of the research of Wushu culture from many perspectives,by the methods of literature review,historical examination,example verification,academic accumulation and comprehensive induction. Findings: There are four aspects of unhealthy phenomena in the research of Chinese Wushu culture,including unlimitedly magnifying the connotation of Wushu culture,mechanically applying various theories,changing the concept of Wushu,disconnection between theory research and application; and they are abstract,qualitative,subjective,humanized,and metaphysical. Based on these,this study put forward visualization research conception and practice from the perspectives of empirical research and logic,and questioned some traditional habits and important issues that have been settled. For example,study thought that the rule of dependence between Wushu and multidisciplinary is that"combining point"rather than"face"; it explained that the"Dantian gas"is a kind of abdominal breathing method with anatomical principle science; and it verified the real "light"and"fly over the walls"with physics method. In this way,the orientation of visualization is determined as the simplification of the complex problems,the standardization of the index system,the scientification of the research methods and the innovation of the academic achievements.

关 键 词: 武术文化 学科理论 武术美学 武术概念 指标体系 研究方法 学术成果 具象化 抽象化 科学化

领  域: [文化科学—民族体育] [文化科学—体育学]


作者 张振生
作者 索奇山
作者 杜舒书
作者 康敏
作者 何立群


机构 广东金融学院
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 广州大学外国语学院
机构 五邑大学
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院经济研究所
