机构地区: 安徽大学法学院
出 处: 《法制与社会发展》 2005年第3期10-16,共7页
摘 要: 权利是以伦理为基础的,伦理的价值原则对权利具有十分重要的引导作用。契约伦理蕴涵着生存、自由、平等和宽容四个重要的价值原则并构成由低到高的价值序列。与作为根基的生存原则相对应的底线伦理构成了权利的生成机理,并在此基础上达成权利的基本共识。以生存原则为起点的自由原则、平等原则、宽容原则自觉地向底线伦理回归并各自引导出庞大的权利体系构成了权利的基本走向。 The right is based on ethics, the value principle of et hics has very important guide function on the right. The contract ethics contain s four important value principles, namely, survival, freedom, equality and toler ance, they form value array from low to the high. Bottom line of ethics which co rresponds with the existence principle forms the formulation mechanism of the ri ght, and has reached the basic common understanding of the right on this basis. Freedom principle, equality principle and tolerance principle which starting poi nt is survival principle return to the bottom line of ethics, and lead to huge r ight system, thus form the basic trend of the right.
关 键 词: 权利 伦理价值 价值原则 底线伦理 生存原则 引导作用 契约伦理 生成机理 自由原则 平等原则 体系构成 宽容原则 作为
领 域: [政治法律—民商法学] [政治法律—法学]