作 者: ;
机构地区: 湛江师范学院人文学院新闻传播系
出 处: 《商丘师范学院学报》 2008年第4期108-111,共4页
摘 要: 社会评论是指以社会现实为基点,以激浊扬清、推动社会前进为主旨,针对现实生活中突出的社会现象、社会问题、思想倾向进行评论的理论文体。如今,社会评论的"观点市场"作用已经从单纯的"激浊扬清"演变为身兼引导、讨论、解释、褒奖、指斥等不同职能。其鲜明的"跨学科"特征在于政论色彩与实用价值的统一、即时性与警示性的统一、事件性与非事件性的统一、平民化与政策性的统一。 Social reviews discuss the social phenomena, problems, and thinking trends in social life based on social reality with the purpose of clarifying facts and promoting social advance. At present,its purpose of clarifying facts have transformed into the functions of introduction,discussion ,explanation ,praise and criticism. Its distinct interdiscipline characteristics Lie in the unity of political attributes and practical value, the unity of promptness and warning, the unity of common people and politics.
领 域: [文化科学—新闻学]