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Death and its Name Distinctions in Praise and Elegance

作  者: ; (司慧慧);

机构地区: 湛江师范学院人文学院

出  处: 《湛江师范学院学报》 2009年第5期10-15,共6页

摘  要: 中华别称中对于死亡的描述十分细致。就死亡的誉称和雅称而言,可以分为寿终与千古、牺牲于殉国、升仙与化鹤等类型。从大量相关别称中可以窥见尊老的传统、忠孝节义的道德准则和企图长生不死的宗教色彩。而死亡的雅称则黏附着不少著名典故。 Chinese Names and their Distinctions has described the category of death with detailed particularity. Death, as is called in praise and elegance, may be classified into shouzhong (natural death) and qiangu (an eternal life), xisheng (sacrifice) and xunguo (royal martyrdom), shengxian (deification) and huahe (immortality), and so on. The lot of name distinctions for death shows respect for old age, loyalty, filial piety, reputation, justice and other moral values as well as the attempt for longevity with religious colorings. And therefore, death and its name distinctions for praise and elegance are conglutinated with famous classical allusions.

关 键 词: 死亡别称 誉称 雅称

领  域: []


作者 宋立民


机构 湛江师范学院人文学院
