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Study on Current Actuality and Countermeasure of Education and Relation Special Technology Talents of Sport System in China

作  者: (陈进); ;

机构地区: 东莞理工学院体育系

出  处: 《广州体育学院学报》 2008年第1期116-121,共6页

摘  要: 通过调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法和比较分析法研究了我国体育系统的教育及相关专业技术人才的各种情况和存在问题。研究结果表明,我国体育系统的教育及相关专业技术人才队伍的年龄结构和专业结构都基本上适合于当前的工作需要;各地区的教育及相关专业技术人才在数量和质量上存在着比较大的差距;东部地带和西部、中部地带的待遇相比较也存在差较大的差异;领导者在观念上也存在着问题。通过研究,对此提出了相应的对策。在经济欠发达地区的人才培养和引进方面要注重本地人才的培养;在工作方面要转变思路,提高教学质量以适应社会的变化和需要。 By using the methods of expert interview, investigation, mathematical statistics and comparative analysis,this paper made an investigation on current condition and problem of education and relation special technology talents of sport system in China.The result showed that it is suitable for the necessary of work of age structure and speciality structure of education and relation special technology talents in China;there is a big gap of quantity and quality of education and relation special technology talents in different area; there is a big gap of salary of education and relation special technology talents in different east and middle and west locality;leaders have some problems in work thought.Through study, we put forward relevant counter-measure.West area lay stress on talents of itself own telent;there are some new thought of work , with raising the quality of education for the change and necessary of society.

关 键 词: 体育系统 教育及相关专业技术人才 现状 问题 对策

领  域: [文化科学—体育训练] [文化科学—运动人体科学] [文化科学—体育学]


作者 罗勇
作者 赵全
作者 黄捷荣


机构 深圳职业技术学院
机构 东莞理工学院体育系
机构 广东省委党校
