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An Analysis of the Construction of China's International Political Discourse System after the 18^(th) National Congress of the Communist Party of China

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学21世纪海上丝绸之路协同创新中心

出  处: 《社会科学》 2017年第8期31-41,共11页

摘  要: 赢得国际政治话语权是当前中国国际话语体系建设的核心议题,具体表现为它是应对国外对中国道路负面解读的需要、化解周边安全不良舆论与思维的需要以及中国参与国际事务与维护海外利益的需要。就十八大以来中国国际政治话语体系建设的主要发展特征而言,中央高层的重视是直接动力,国家发展的经验教训和内政外交上的丰富实践为它的创新孕育了肥沃的思想土壤,而中国哲学社会科学研究事业的持续繁荣和媒体对外传播工作的继续进步为它提供了重要保障。中国国际政治话语体系建设的主要问题体现在总体学术研究能力仍有不少欠缺、媒体传播质量有待继续改进和海外资源需要进一步利用等方面。对此,应在避免误入错误话语陷阱的同时,继续提高中国国际政治话语的科学水准;加强话语传播的针对性,优化主动议程设置能力;充分利用华人华侨、企业和学术沟通等渠道,打造国际政治话语传播的海外支点。 The core issue of the current construction of China's international discourse system is to win the international political discourse power, which concretely embodied in the need of China to cope with the negative interpretation from abroad, the need to resolve the adverse surrounding public opinion and thinking, and the need for China to participate in international affairs and safeguard its oversea interests. In terms of the main development characteristics of the construction of China's inter- national political discourse system since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the direct impetus is the attention of the central high-level leadership, and the lessons of national devel- opment and the rich practice of internal and political diplomacy have enriched fertile soil for its innova- tion. While the continued prosperity of Chinese philosophy and social science research and the continu- ous progress of media external communication have provided important guarantee for it. The main problems of the construction of China's international political discourse system are reflected in the lack of overall academic research ability, the quality of media communication needs to be improved, the overseas resources needs to be further utilized and etc. About this issue, we should continue to improve the scientific standards of China's international political discourse while avoiding stepping into the wrong discourse traps; we should strengthen the relevance of the discourse communication, and opti- mize the initiative of agenda setting; and we also should make full use of the channels of the overseas Chinese, enterprises and academic communication to build abroad pivots of spreading international po- litical discourse.

关 键 词: 中国国际政治话语体系 国际话语权 构建

领  域: [政治法律—政治学] [政治法律—外交学]


作者 曾诚
作者 邵先成
作者 朱雅婧
作者 李渊航
作者 黄成华


机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学国际学院东南亚研究所


作者 唐娟
作者 孙晓玲
作者 宋腊梅
作者 刘琳
作者 范绍庆