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The New Non-Aligned Movement in the Global South

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《现代国际关系》 2023年第5期111-130,151,共21页

摘  要: 2022年乌克兰危机以来,全球南方国家不盲从西方孤立制裁俄罗斯的要求,坚持不选边站的“新不结盟”立场。全球南方国家消极响应甚至积极反对西方在国际多边机制中孤立俄罗斯,消极配合甚至积极抵制西方对俄罗斯的各种制裁,在双边关系中继续保持甚至加强同俄罗斯的友好交往。其原因在于,乌克兰危机发生时,全球南方国家存在亟待解决的生存与发展问题,它们对当前的自由主义秩序和西方自私狭隘的外交行为严重不满,并且在全球多极化进程中日益壮大和成熟,希望在未来国际秩序的发展中实现自己的诉求。全球南方国家正成为动荡变革世界里的稳定力量,有力推动着国际格局的多极化发展。 Since the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis,countries of the Global South have not blindly followed the West's demands to isolate and sanction Russia,but have adhered to a new nonalignment stance of not taking sides.It is specifically manifested in the Global South's passive response or even active opposition to the West's isolation of Russia in international multilateral mechanisms,their passive cooperation or even active resistance to various sanctions imposed by the West on Russia,and their continued maintenance or even strengthening of friendly exchanges with Russia in bilateral relations.The Global South has made such choices for historical and realistic reasons.The new non-alignment movement of the Global South not only gives Russia the confidence to continue confronting the West on the Ukrainian battlefield to a considerable extent,but also provides support for China to break through the strategic containment of the United States.In addition,it has also made the Global South a new pole in the international system.The Global South is becoming an essential stabilizer during the period of new turbulence and transformation in international relations and is promoting multipolarization in the international pattern.

关 键 词: 乌克兰危机 全球南方国家 新不结盟 运动

领  域: [政治法律—国际关系] [政治法律—政治学] [政治法律—外交学]




作者 唐娟
作者 孙晓玲
作者 宋腊梅
作者 刘琳
作者 范绍庆