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2 Nixon Administration's Policy toward Chile: An Interpretation Based on the Offensive Realism

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学21世纪海上丝绸之路协同创新中心

出  处: 《拉丁美洲研究》 2017年第6期82-104,156-157,共23页

摘  要: 与阶级斗争论、经济决定论和权力制衡论等传统观点相比,米尔斯海默的进攻现实主义理论在引进"小国"变量和"软进攻"外交手段之后,能够较好地解释美国尼克松政府对智利的外交政策。按照进攻现实主义有关大国政治互动的观点,可以演绎出两个结论:地区霸主在区域霸权体系内对于小国潜在或者现实的离心倾向会采取进攻性外交政策;在军事上的进攻与制衡这个硬手段被视为不可行或者得不偿失的情况下,霸主会采用软进攻的方法。根据该理论,从本质上看,尼克松政府对智利的外交政策是区域霸主的进攻性外交政策,与美国历届政府对拉美尤其是智利的外交战略在本质上没有差异。出于对阿连德的内政外交政策会损害自己霸权根基的担心,尼克松政府对智利采取了一系列以和平演变为主的软进攻政策并得偿所愿。这些对于认识美国的拉美战略和全球战略有着重要意义。 The previous studies of international relations theory, like class struggle,economic determinism and power balance, could not explain Nixon Administration 's policy towards Chile accurately. The offensive realism theory proposed by Mearsheimer can solve this problem,by introducing the variable of small powers and the diplomacy of soft offense. According to the viewpoint of offensive realism about the political interaction of great powers,regional hegemony will take offensive foreign policy if small countries show potential or realistic centrifugal tendency in regional hegemonic system. And,when hard measures like military attack or repression is considered infeasible,the hegemony would take soft offense. According to this theory,Nixon Administration's policy towards Chile was essentially the offensive foreign policy of regional hegemony,which differed little from former US governments' foreign policy toward Latin-American countries. Worrying that Allende's domestic and foreign policy would undermine the basis of America's hegemonic order in Latin America, Nixon Administration successfully adopted a series of soft offensive policies, the main purpose of which was to achieve peaceful evolution in Chile. This study is also important to help understand America's strategy toward Latin America and the world.

关 键 词: 尼克松政府 阿连德政府 进攻现实主义 软进攻和平演变

领  域: [政治法律—政治学] [政治法律—外交学]


作者 黄忠
作者 汪婧
作者 朱卫斌
作者 谢娇
作者 李庆成


机构 暨南大学
机构 广州体育学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学


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