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Reform of the Afghan Security Sector under International Assistance

作  者: (谢许潭); (张明明); ;

机构地区: 广东药科大学马克思主义学院

出  处: 《国际关系研究》 2017年第3期81-97,共17页

摘  要: 在全球反恐战争打响的语境下,阿富汗启动了安全部门改革,并成为阿富汗国家发展战略三大支柱中的第一要务。美国、北约、联合国以及欧洲多国均对阿军队和警察体系改革提供了多方援助和支持,但改革进程障碍重重。进入"后撤军时代"的阿富汗安全部门改革进程中,警察队伍"准军事化"、经费短缺让国家安全机构运转难以为继、巴基斯坦"塔利班"势力和"伊斯兰国"组织势力强势渗入等新问题更加凸显。而"阿人治阿"精神在安全改革中遭到美国为首的西方力量强势干预和冲淡,阿富汗固有的经济、政治和社会痼疾,以及多方外部力量将阿富汗安全部门改革视为政治博弈与利益纷争的工具等,都是造成改革进展艰难、动荡局势不断恶化的重要原因,阿富汗推进安全部门改革目标难以实现。 In the context of waging the global war on terror,Afghanistan has launched its security sector reform that has become the top priority in the three pillars of the Afghan national development strategy. The United States,NATO,the United Nations,and many European countries have all been providing assistance and support for the reform of the Afghan army and the police system,but there are numerous obstacles to the reform process. During the process of reform of the Afghan security sector in the 'postwithdrawal era',the paramilitarization of the police force and the shortage of funds make national security agencies difficult to function normally in a continuous manner,and they make new issues such as the forceful penetration of the Pakistani Taliban and the Islamic State( ISIS) more prominent. In addition to chronic economic,political,and social illnesses indigenous to Afghanistan,the fact that the spirit of 'Afghanistan run by the Afghans'is meeting strong intervention and dilution by the Western forces led by the United States in the security sector reform,and many external forces treat the Afghan security sector reform as an instrument of a political game and a scramble for interests,they are all the important causes for the difficult progress of the reform and the continuous deterioration of the volatile situation. Afghanistan's goals of promoting and realizing the security sector reform are difficult to achieve.

关 键 词: 国际援助 安全部门改革 阿富汗 反恐战争 警察 准军事化

领  域: [政治法律—政治学] [政治法律—中外政治制度]


作者 罗江
作者 孙晓斯
作者 范军
作者 田莉
作者 林彦


机构 广东警官学院
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东警官学院治安系
机构 华南理工大学


作者 程浩
作者 唐娟
作者 孙晓玲
作者 宋腊梅
作者 刘琳