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The Coupling Relationship between the First Batch of High-level Major Groups and Industrial Structure in Guangdong Province

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 东莞职业技术学院

出  处: 《职业教育研究》 2022年第9期11-16,共6页

摘  要: 在广东省构建一核一带一区格局背景下,基于2020年高等职业院校首批高水平专业群立项数据,比较分析高水平专业群与产业布局的耦合关系。珠三角核心区第一产业和第二产业高水平专业群布局比重超过产值比重,第三产业相对匹配;沿海经济带除核心区以外,东西两翼城市的高水平专业群设置则远远低于三大产值比重,北部生态区专业群与产业相对协调。因此,为促进高水平专业群与产业协同发展,政府部门应进一步加强区域内各专业群统筹布局;逐步打破管理边界,促进专业群联合发展;根据新技术新业态等推动专业群内涵动态调整;构建产学研用一体化育人格局,推动高水平专业群服务产业升级转型和创新驱动发展需求。 Under the background of constructing the pattern of one core,one belt and one region in Guangdong Province,based on the project approval data of the first batch of high-level major groups of higher vocational colleges in 2020,this paper compares and analyzes the coupling relationship between high-level major groups and industrial layout.The proportion of high-level major groups between primary industry and secondary industry in the core area of the Pearl River Delta exceeds the proportion of output value between primary industry and secondary industry,and the tertiary industry is relatively matched;In addition to the coastal economic belt except the core area,the setting of high-level major groups in the cities of the East and West wings is far lower than the proportion of output values of the industries and the major groups and industries in the northern ecological area are relatively coordinated.Therefore,in order to promote the coordinated development of high-level major groups and industries,government should further strengthen the overall layout of major groups in the region;gradually break the management boundary and promote the joint development of major groups;promote the dynamic adjustment of the connotation of major groups according to new technologies and new business forms and form an integrated education pattern of industry,university,research and application to promote the upgrading and transformation of high-level professional group service industry and innovation driven development needs.

关 键 词: 一核一带一区 高水平专业群 耦合关系 协同发展

领  域: [文化科学—职业技术教育学] [文化科学—教育学]


作者 吴薇
作者 文妮佳
作者 李江林
作者 冯晶晶
作者 阚雅玲


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院


作者 谭属春
作者 王波
作者 朱方来
作者 韩奇生
作者 陈宝华