作 者: ;
机构地区: 浙江大学
出 处: 《浙江体育科学》 1993年第6期36-40,66+35,共7页
摘 要: 一个国家要在竞技体育舞台上保持长盛不衰,就必须拥有一定数量的优秀体育后备人才,其关键是抓好课余运动训练。体育后备人才试点中学是学校体育改革的产物,它在抓好课余运动训练,培养高层次的体育后备人才中有其自身的优势和长处。本文在调查的基础上对体育后备人才试点中学的办学性质、培养目标、领导体制等问题作了研究、探讨。 A Country must have enough sportsmen reserve to ensure the lasting prosperity in competitive sports world,and experimental midddle school of sportsmen reserve,which has many advantages in ama- teur training,is the result oftsports system reform.This parer studied- the school property,goal and administrative system of experimental middle schools of sportsmen reserve on the basis of investigation.
领 域: [文化科学—运动人体科学] [文化科学—体育学]