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A Comparative Study of Syntactic Structures of Russian and Chinese Public Signs

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《外语学刊》 2016年第6期85-89,共5页

摘  要: 从公示语的功能角度对比分析俄汉公示语的语言特点,提炼出一定模式,模式包括对应与不对应。指示性公示语多用名词或名词短语,俄语以名词居多,汉语以名词短语居多;提示提醒类公示语中,提示类无一定模式,提醒类已形成相对应的模式;限制类公示语中,专属类、"请"类与"勿"类有大致对应的模式;"谢绝"类为汉语特有模式。强制性公示语,俄汉语也形成大致对应的模式。呼吁号召类一般以短句居多,多用祈使句,俄语常用省略结构,汉语注重格式规整,力求结构对称,首尾押韵。本研究可规范我国公示语俄文译写,为俄汉公示语撰写与互译提供参照,为俄汉对比与翻译教学提供借鉴。 Functions of the public signs determine their various linguistic forms which are demonstrated by some certain modes. This paper discusses the syntactic structures of Russian and Chinese public signs. It argues that they have more similarities than differences,but Chinese public signs are euphemisticall while Russian ones are direct. As for one public sign,the Chinese one has various expressions while the Russian one is monotonous relatively. And the four-character structure rhymed both in initials and ends are frequently used in Chinese while there is no peculiarity in Russian. Nouns or noun phrases are frequently used in indicative signs. Nouns are majority in Russian indicative signs while noun phrases are widely used in Chinese ones. And for the hint or caution signs,there are no fixed modes for the hint while there are fixed expressions in both Chinese and Russian caution signs. There are four groups in prohibition signs: Do and Don't,there are some corresponding forms both in Chinese and Russian; single prohibition,there are some fixed expressions in Russian; Xie jue is the peculiar expression in Chinese. There are roughly corresponding sentence patterns in both Russian and Chinese mandatory signs. Generally speaking,imperative phrases are widely used in both Russian and Chinese appealing or call-on signs,in which rhymed words or homophones are usually used in Chinese while elliptical sentences are widely used in Russian. The paper provides reference for how to regulate public signs in Russian in China,the translation between Chinese and Russian public signs as well as for the comparison between Russian and Chinese and translation teaching.

关 键 词: 俄汉公示语 句法模式 指示 提示提醒 限制

领  域: [语言文字—语言学]


作者 刘丽芬
作者 蔡舒
作者 吴含
作者 汪文格
作者 张子顺


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学增城学院
机构 广东财经大学
机构 广州番禺职业技术学院
机构 汕头大学


作者 张莹
作者 李丹
作者 陈平文
作者 徐郑慧
作者 宁天舒