机构地区: 中山大学南方学院
出 处: 《中国科教创新导刊》 2013年第4期43-44,共2页
摘 要: 通识教育是高等教育的组成部分,是培养复合型.应用型人才的必要途径。由于通识教育课程多是基础性的,普适性的内容,学生学习积极性受到一定影响,本文结合近年来对文科类本科生开设《化学与人类文明》课程的一些教学实践,分析探讨通识教育课堂教学的具体问题并在此基础上就提高课堂师生互动提出一些改进的基本措施和做法,改变传统应试教育模式下学生作为学习过程中被动接受者的角色,在课堂上采取积极有效的互动教学方式以培养学生能自觉采用批判性的,开放的思维精神和多样灵活的思考方式去探索问题的解决之道。 General education is higher education part of training applied talents is complex,the necessary way.Due to the general education course is basic,universality content,students' learning enthusiasm is affected certainly.Taking the education of the Chemical and Human Civilization as examples,this article makes an intensive study of the experience and methods from the improvement of the quality of teaching in well as seeks for a way of how to establish the awareness of responsibility of society on the students'part in order to let the selected course exert a positive effect on the integration of education and to cultivate students to consciously use critical.oven thinking svirit and various flexible way of thinking to explore problem solution.
领 域: [文化科学—高等教育学] [文化科学—教育学]