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A Case Study of Video Games

作  者: (郭琴); ;

机构地区: 广东金融学院

出  处: 《广州体育学院学报》 2020年第2期5-9,共5页

摘  要: 随着电竞热的兴起,一度被妖魔化的电子游戏再一次引起人们的关注。自不必说,青少年学生玩电子游戏的情况是其中的一个重要议题。在简单梳理了中小学生电子游戏的研究现状之后,通过以广铁一中初三学生和广州体育学院研三硕士为个案的研究得出如下结果:喜欢体育和喜欢游戏未见必然联系,但喜欢游戏的比例中学生高于硕士生,而且喜欢游戏的程度不仅与年龄有关,还与家庭社会阶层背景有关。二者周围的大多数同学都在打游戏,家长对子女打游戏的态度不再是"反对"占多数,而是"限定玩的时间"占多数,从而与学生对家长的期望出现耦合。二者喜欢玩的游戏项目排前三位的高度吻合,游戏水平和其依赖程度显著相关。对于社会上对电子游戏的偏见,二者的认知比较理性,但对游戏的广义、狭义之分和电竞是不是体育的认知,二者都表现出较大的差异。最后,以电子游戏为什么会不断发展作为代结语。 With the rise of electronic competition,once demonized video games have once again attracted people’s attention.Needless to say,the situation of young students playing video games is one of the important issues. After a brief review of the research situation of primary and secondary school students’ video games,the following conclusions are drawn from the study of the third-grade students in Guangzhou No. 1 railway middle school and Postgraduate grade three in Guangzhou Sport University. There is no connection between liking sports and liking games,but the proportion of middle school students who like games is higher than that of master students,and the degree of playing games is not only related to age,but also to family social class background. Most of the students around them are playing games. Parents’ attitudes towards children’s playing games are no longer " opposed" in the majority. It is " limited play time" that accounts for the majority,which is coupled with students’ expectations of their parents. The two players like to play games ranked highly in the top three,and the level of game is significantly related to their degree of dependence. As for the prejudice against video games in the society,they have a rational understanding. However,there are great differences between the broad sense and narrow sense of games and the recognition of whether video games are sports or not. Finally,this paper concludes with the reason why the video game will continue to develop.

关 键 词: 电子游戏 电子竞技 个案研究

领  域: [文化科学—运动人体科学] [文化科学—体育学]


作者 蒋宇
作者 吴英姿
作者 张永辉
作者 林婉玲
作者 钟雨文


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 香港中文大学
机构 广州大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
